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ARTIST - Tissy B



Album Title - "Da Baby Mama Movemenr"



Genre - HIP HOP



Links To Site(s):

Louisville Music Review Section

Louisville, KY gets some big love this month as I received a few submissions I really liked.  I saw Tissy B perform and although her energy on stage wasn't super impressive the joy in her eyes and genuine love for her craft was super apparent.

"Da Babymama Movement" is an example of heartfelt lyrics that could almost make you weep as the album starts off about the struggles of poverty, being a woman and other combinations thereof. As the album goes on these themes are sprinkled throughout but there are also overdone themes although the lyrics are better thought out than some of the majority of hip hop albums.

Tissy's vocal delivery hits pretty good when she sings and her ideas for hooks are decent.  Her rap style vocals have little variety in delivery and there's a slight whine in her voice that may push some people away if vocal sounds are real important to them in their music listening choice.

The production value is good but the vocal recording quality could be a bit better. This is easy to overlook though since this is an underground artist trying to do what she loves on a budget of change.

For the most part, Tissy hits some things well and I feel like she's smiling at times because she really enjoys what she's doing. In light of all this, the album is recommended for you to check out but for me it wasn't powerful enough for another listen through although I'd definitely check out her next project. An artist gets better with each album if they listen to constructive criticism and I'm sure she'll go far enough to make some noise if she can overcome the struggles in her lyrics that seem to hold her back. - Daniel C. Morrison - Louisville Limelight

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