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Louisville's Hip Hop Artist

Codey Mazzoni

"It's about relaxing and cruising"

THE INTERVIEW               


Daniel/HRM:  Please introduce yourself as if you were a comic book character.


Codey Mazzoni: Im Codey Mazzoni, I rap fast and I like to fly.


Daniel/HRM: If you were the offspring of 2 super heroes, who would they be and what official power would you wind up having?


Codey Mazzoni: I would be a mix of Storm and Superman, strength would be my power.


Daniel/HRM: This would also be quick and to the point too, right? With Storm who is no nonsense and Superman who is fast. So answer the rest of these questions like that.


I did think you might use Hip Hop in there somewhere.  You do seem to have some pretty thought provoking lyrics. This seems like your strong suit.  Is this how you hope to set yourself apart from the others in this industry?


Codey Mazzoni:  Yes. These days having a different style gets you further. People always want new music.


Daniel/HRM: What about setting yourself apart in Louisville? What do you think are the strong and weak points of the music in this city?


Codey Mazzoni: The locals don’t support hip hop so that takes a toll although the city loves music it just lacks understanding.


Daniel/HRM: You have a couple “hits” I noticed seeing your performance twice already. You have a good following and are a super humble person.  What do you think is your biggest hitting song and why do you feel it has such an impact?


Codey Mazzoni: “Radio”. It’s about relaxing and cruising. It has a good vibes and an energetic beat.


Daniel/HRM:  Your humble personality is a great attribute. Personally, I feel this is what makes me most appreciative about an artist.  Do you agree?


Codey Mazzoni: Yes, being humble is a key concept with anything you do in life these days.


Daniel/HRM:  About your music, how many EPs, mixtapes or albums do you have out?


Codey Mazzoni: I have an ep called ,”Trapped Up” and a few other singles from a few years ago.


Daniel/HRM: Musically, what is going on currently?


Codey Mazzoni: I am playing shows and recording new music as much as I can. I would like to get on tour but that’s another story.


Daniel/HRM: I know you seem to have shows at least once a month. Over the summer anyway. What is your show schedule for the rest of the year?


Codey Mazzoni: I take it day by day but Dj KGee is hosting another Palooza this year and I’d really like to get on that. Tons of New Albany locals came out to the last one he had, a good 600 people.


Daniel/HRM: Sounds exciting! Where can people go for more about you?


Codey Mazzoni:


Daniel/HRM: Is there anything else you would like to add?


Codey Mazzoni: Thanks for asking me for this interview. Stay tuned for Hip Rock Magazine and Louisville Limelight..big things from us coming your way!


Daniel/HRM: We have an audio clip from your Kentuckiana Summer Bash interview that we’re going to play.  People will get to know your sincerity. So thank you very much for this and also for being part of Louisville Limelight Magazine’s staff.  If I didn’t find something golden in your heart and presentation, I wouldn’t have asked. So thanks for being an example of appreciation.


Codey Mazzoni: Thank  you and thanks to the fans and my parents supporting me with all of this.



Story and interview by

Daniel C. Morrison – Louisville Limelight Magazine

Every so often I come across an artist working on improving their game who also has a huge heart. I’m a fan of super appreciative people. It seems the more one can appreciate the more that things to appreciate are shown to them.  I met Codey twice and each time he performed here in Louisville, KY, the majority of the small crowds were there to support him.


He has a great style that he’s working on and although there’s room for improvement his passion is an actual energy you can feel and this sold me on doing a feature for him.  After talking to him more as a person instead of just an artist it was clear that he could use some reciprocated appreciation. So I asked him to be part of the Louisville Limelight crew.  This interview will show up in both Hip Rock Magazine and Louisville Limelight Magazine.  This series will now be featured in both magazines.


So let’s get on with a unique interview which is, sadly, Codey’s first. But it won’t be his last!

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